As Jacob finished buckling on his equipment, Aleksey slipped a satchel over his shoulder.
"Lets go to the tower first, and see if we cannot get a message to Erick.”
Jacob pulled his last strap tight and nodded.
They exited the room and turned left into the hallway which ended in another door. Behind the door was a staircase which they ascended. At the top was a trap door which Aleksey put his shoulder against and threw open. Both men raised a hood over their heads before going up. Aleksey stepped up into the tower, his robe billowing in the wind, and handed his lantern down to Jacob. Snow flakes floated by him, glimmering in the pale moonlight. The tower had a roof, but its walls were open to the outside air. Jacob set the lantern on the steps of the tower, climbed up and closed the trap door behind him. Meanwhile Aleksey moved to the edge of the tower.
Aleksey stood facing the east, his arms spread before him. His lips moved rhythmically, muttering cryptic words. For a moment the winds died making his quiet speech audible and distinct. About him there arose an almost imperceptible radiance, silvery, like the moonlight.
As Aleksey spoke, Jacob stood at his shoulder, scanning the surrounding area. Beneath the tower was a pine forest which stretched beyond the horizon. He also cast his vision along the snow covered battlements which ran back away from the tower to the south.
As Jacob looked back towards the forest his eyes caught something at the tree line. Crouching behind some pine branches was a form five feet tall, covered in shaggy hair. It was hunched on its hind legs but leaned forward enough to where its two arms were planted in the snow providing the body support. Five fingered tracks were left in the snow from its front hands, nearly four feet apart and pointed as if clawed. Its sharp yellow eyes reflected the moon light as it stared at Aleksey and Jacob.
“Hurry up.” Jacob said.