Part two Mid-world writings  

Posted by The Alchemist in


He raised his hand to his brow. The sun was bright and it hurt his eyes to look outside. He keep wanting to close them. He cast his eyes around surveying this strange new place. Surrounding the little stable was a great desert, cracked arid soil stretching as far as the eye could see in either direction. The ground outside the stable was fenced in by some tired old railing made of wood. To the left of the stables stood an old house, probably some sort of inn where travelers could take some rest from the long desert road. It all looked like it had abandoned long ago.


He made his way across the yard to the house and tried the door.

It was unlocked.

His boots clicked on the old wood floors of the place as he walked in. The floor was covered in dirt grown over the ages, his feet were the first here in a long time, though they would not be the last.

A search of the above ground level revealed nothing of use, though he sat a while and chatted with a long gone man, whose bones glinted white (white) on the floor, in the shafts of light coming through one of the worn down walls. He talked of nothing in particular, only of the weather, and how he didn’t like the heat. The dead man seemed to agree.

He did find, however, a ladder leading down to an old root cellar. Looking down into the dark made him shiver, and his hair stood on edge. At the edges of his hearing he could hear faint whispers, spoken too low to comprehend. All this made him nervous, but there was nowhere else to go. He slowly made his way down the ladder.

“Jackpot”, he murmured.

Down here there were shelves, shelves covered in enough canned good to feed a small army. He couldn’t believe the luck, stranded in the middle of the desert in an old inn that probably had the only food for miles.

(bright white)

He grabbed a few cans of something called Girt; (He was surprised he could read the letters though they were a bit off, a little crooked somehow.) they reminded him of spam cans, and more importantly they had little pull rings to remove the can top without a can opener, and a few cans of what looked liked canned corn by the cans label and went back upstairs. Being down here gave him the creeps.

This entry was posted on Thursday, January 31, 2008 at Thursday, January 31, 2008 and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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February 14, 2008 at 2:44 PM

"It all looked like it had abandoned..." --> "It all looked like it had BEEN abandoned..."

February 14, 2008 at 2:45 PM

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